Many of our properties get rented through word-of-mouth from existing tenants and never end up online. If you would like to be on a waitlist for one of our properties, please submit your details below and tell us as much as possible about yourself and what you are looking for:
- Your desired date and length of occupancy (We do not do leases less than one year).
- The neighborhood(s) you would like to live in. If you are interested in a specific address please tell us.
- The size of the home you are interested in (e.g. studio, one bedroom, two bedroom).
- Your rental budget.
- Your monthly income and credit score (if you know it).
- Any other occupants that will be residing with you.
- Anything else that you’d like us to know! Pets? Prefer a ground floor apartment? Need a backyard?
We will add your details into our database and contact you as soon as we are notified of a future vacancy from one of our tenants.